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Research Activities

Research at the ISM focuses on various areas of expertise. Research projects are carried out across locations at the institutes and networks in scientific practice are expanded and established. The departments, to which all university professors are assigned according to their thematic expertise, bundle specialist expertise in the management areas in which the ISM is active and represent an important interface between research and teaching. The aim of acquiring third-party funding here is to involve the professors the transformation of research expertise into ISM's degree and doctoral programs. With these doctoral programs in cooperation with international partner universities, university professors can carry out practical projects together with young researchers. In addition, the ISM is involved in research networks such as completed and ongoing research projects and various application processes, for example, the Science Master Plan of the City of Dortmund, the IHK Cologne and the Entrepreneurs Club Cologne (ECC). Participation as a partner in the joint project of the “German Rescue Robotics Center (DRZ)” project, which was funded by the BMBF in the first phase from November 2018 to October 2022, also opens up further fields of research in the field of rescue robotics. The main focus is on the development of a brand identity, the derivation of a social media concept, the development of a business model and demand analyzes for drone pilot training, in which volunteers from the volunteer fire department are familiarized with the technology, the possibilities but also the limits of the application.

Focus of research

According to their focus on teaching and studying, the ISM research and development projects embrace various objectives and interdisciplinary approaches. More specifically, research focuses on the following themes:

  • 中国足球彩票手机版ization of the economy
  • Research in energy and environmental economics
  • Research in tourism
  • Research in logistics and information
  • Research in finance and banking
  • Research in marketing and communication
  • Research in leadership and motivation
  • Research in organization and human resources

The published ISM research report shows this variety of topics in detail.

Research cooperation

Since 2011, the ISM has been involved in various research networks, such as the accompanying research of the Innovation City Ruhr 2011 to 2015, the German Center for Rescue Robotics 2018 to 2022 and various ongoing activities and projects in the entrepreneurial field. From these activities, the ISM was able to gain universities, institutes and consulting firms as cooperation partners for further project applications. Particularly in the areas of digitalization and sustainability, third-party funded research focuses on highly topical research areas. In addition, the ISM institutes and departments are involved in professional networks. The ISM offers doctoral opportunities in cooperation with international university partners. These cooperations include Strathclyde Business School (SBS) and Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) in Scotland, Bond Business School (BBS) in Australia, Westcliff University in Irvine, USA, and Universitat Ramon Lull in Barcelona. With this cooperative supervision of doctoral projects, common research topics can be defined and addressed at an international level. This allows the ISM to further intensify its international cooperation and also meet the demand for practical doctoral opportunities.


With its publication series, the ISM offers modern and high-quality opportunities to make the diverse research results of a practice-oriented university accessible to students, practitioners and the scientific community. The series are available both in print and, in some cases, as free downloads on the Internet. The following series are offered:
ISM Research Journal

The ISM Research Journal (published by I. B?ckenholt) contains current ISM-relevant empirical and/or theoretical research results. All the papers undergo a double peer (with at least one ISM external expert) and a double blind review process. There will be ten papers each consisting of 15 to 20 pages (DIN B5).

ISM Scientific Series

The ISM Scientific Series (published by D. Schlesinger) is an edited volume with a single volume publisher. Since 2014, the edited volume includes a carefully limited and clearly defined subject area consisting of one main area of research focus at ISM as well as current and relevant developments in the chosen subject area. Each volume of the ISM Scientific Series consists of 100 to 250 pages (DIN A5). Volumes of the ISM Scientific Series published prior to 2014 can be ordered through book shops.

Band 27

Hoffmann/Schlüter (Hrsg.):?Jahrbuch Accounting Taxation Law 2014, 2014

Band 28

K?nig/Schabbing:?Risikobetrachtung für Kreuzfahrten - Eine systematische Risikoanalyse und -bewertung der Urlaubsform Kreuzfahrt am Beispiel von Clubschiffen und Megalinern, 2014

ISM Working Papers

The ISM Working Paper (published by K. Rommel) is a continuation of the ISM Discussion Paper. It presents the result of one research project – e.g. theses, workshops or independent research. Since 2014, all the papers undergo a peer review process. Each volume consists of 20 to 40 pages (DIN A4).

Previously published volumes can be ordered through book shops. The?Style Sheet for Working Paper English?are available for download. If requested, the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will also provide you with the respective Word template.

26. Tanja Engelmann; Michelle G?tz; Jessica Weiler; Anton Würth: Factors that influence energy-saving behavior (PDF), 2024

25. Carolin Lerche; Richard Turinsky; Erich Grohert: Critical analysis of the factors influencing supply chain resilience using the example of a German automotive O-EM (PDF), 2024

24. Yvette Skretkowicz; Jens K. Perret: The NutriScore in the German Perception. A Qualitative Expert based Study of Front of Pack Visual Nudging and Consumer Behaviour (PDF), 2024

23. Sarah Linckens; Carmen Horn; Jens K. Perret: Greenwashing in the Fashion Industry The Flipside of the Sustainability Trend from the Perspective of Generation Z (PDF), 2023

22. Arne Schulke; Hans Olaf Warning: Transfer Price Confusion? – Proposing a comprehensive Taxonomy for Academia and Practitioners (PDF), 2023

21. Yvette Skretkowicz, Jens K. Perret: Der Nutri-Score – Eine quantitative Studie zur Wirksamkeit visuellen Nudgings auf das Konsumentenverhalten (PDF), 2023

20. Katharina A. Schuck, Jens K. Perret, Audrey Mehn, Kai Rommel: Konsumentenpr?ferenzen beim Kauf von Secondhand-Luxusgütern (PDF), 2022

19. Jens K. Perret: On the Gender Performance Gap in Economics Education - A Comparison of German Public and Private Universities (PDF), 2022

18. Brickau, Ralf A.; Meierhof, Daniel; Moss, Christoph; Stotz, Simon: Measuring and Restoring customer trust – an explorative research based on the VW Diesel gate scandal (PDF), 2021

17. B?ge, Carlotta; Netzel, Janine; Perret, J. K.: Die Effekte der Zielorientierung auf den Berufserfolg – Erste empirische Befunde, 2021

16. Gildemeister, C. C.; Mehn, A.; Perret, J. K.: Factory-Outlet-Center: Discount oder Disney? (PDF), 2021

15. Bingemer, S.; Ohlwein, M.: Mit Customer Experience Management die Digitalisierung meistern – Die Rolle von Unternehmenskultur und -organisation (PDF), 2020

14. Holthaus, L.; Horn, C.; Perret, J. K.: E-Commerce im Luxusmarkensegment – Die Sicht deutscher Kundinnen am Beispiel Chanel (PDF), 2020

13. Potaszkin, Ilona; Weber, Ulrike; Groffmann, Nicola: ?Die sü?e Alternative“ Smart Health: Akzeptanz der Telemedizin bei Diabetikern (PDF), 2018.

12. Haberstock, Philipp; Weber, Gabriel; J?gering, Christina: Process of Digital Transformation in Medium-Sized Enterprises – an Applied Research Study (PDF), 2018.

11. Zimmermann, Nils Alexander; Gericke, Jens: Supply Chain Risikomanagement – Analyse des Status Quo und neuer Entwicklungstendenzen (PDF), 2018.

10 Schr?der, Charlene; Weber, Ulrike: Integration von Flüchtlingen in den Arbeitsmarkt als Chance für Diversity Management: Einführung und ausgew?hlte Beispiele im Kreis Steinfurt (PDF), 2017.

9. Fontanari, Martin; Kredinger, Dirk: Risiko- und Resilienzbewusstsein. Empirische Analysen und erste konzeptionelle Ans?tze zur Steigerung der Resilienzf?higkeit von Regionen (PDF), 2017.

8. Ralf A. Brickau, Joana R?hricht: Archaische Gesten im POS-Marketing – Die Nutzung archaischer Gesten in der Display- und Plakatwerbung (PDF), 2017.

7. Lena Hampe, Kai Rommel: Einflüsse von kognitiven Verzerrungen auf das Anlageverhalten deutscher Privataktion?re (PDF), 2017.

6. Brickau, Ralf A.; Cornelsen, Jasmin: The impact of visual subliminal triggers at the point of sale on the consumers’ willingsness to purchase – A critical investigation into gender differences (PDF), 2017.

5. Lütke Entrup, Matthias; Simmert, Diethard B.; Caspari, Lisa: Die Performance von deutschen Portfoliounternehmen nach Private Equity Buyouts (PDF), 2017.

4. Ohlwein, Martin: Kultur- vs. regionenbezogene Abgrenzung von L?ndergruppen. Eine clusteranalytische Untersuchung auf Basis der Kulturdimensionen nach Hofstede (PDF), 2017.

3. Lütke Entrup, Matthias; Simmert, Diethard; Tegethoff, Carolin: Die Entwicklung des Working Capital in Private Equity Portfoliounternehmen (PDF), 2017.

2. Ohlwein, Martin: Die Prüfung der globalen Güte eines Kausalmodells auf Stabilit?t mit Hilfe eines nichtparametrischen Bootstrap-Algorithmus (PDF), 2015.

1. Brock, Stephan; Antretter, Torben: Kapitalkostenermittlung als Grauzone wertorientierter Unternehmensführung (PDF), 2014.?

Other Publications

A Roadmap to Intercultural Proficiency

The book presents the concept of Intercultural Proficiency (IP) as part of a lifelong learning process. An open and appreciative attitude towards cultural diversity and the ability to self-reflect are important building blocks for the development of Intercultural Proficiency. The concept forms the basis for effective intercultural learning and training in cross-cultural environments in both the academic and corporate world.

Bender, Frauke?(2022): A Roadmap to Intercultural Proficiency. Navigating Through Cultural Diversity and Inclusion, Diversity and Inclusion Research, Springer

Counseling PhD & DBA Programs

Prof. Dr. Kai Rommel

Vice President for Research
Prof. Dr. Kai Rommel
0231.97 51 39-76
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Jonas Weiler

Research Assistant
Anette Herbst
069.66 05 93 67-57
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