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Business Insights in Germany – Lou Haoze’s study abroad

Whether it’s cars, chocolate or electronics – several German brands have built an international reputation. What role did marketing and management play in their success? A question that led Chinese student Lou Haoze to?ISM Berlin?where he is studying in the Master’s program?中国足球彩票手机版 Management.

At ISM he appreciates the small class sizes and the opportunity to meet students from different countries. “I can meet classmates from all over the world. They come from different fields and are good at different skills. But we all have a thirst for business knowledge.”

Getting to know different cultures was a highlight of Lou’s study abroad – and not just at ISM. During his stay, he has traveled to several other European countries. “In Germany, a three-hour flight can take me to many countries. I did not have this kind of experience before! This way I have more time to explore places other than the classic tourist attractions.”

Lou’s family supported his decision to study abroad: “They think I made a brave choice.” Additionally, he was able to talk to Chinese acquaintances living in Berlin before starting his studies. “This has really helped me to adjust to the life in Germany.” Lou also wants to promote intercultural exchange on his future career path. “I will use my personal advantages in understanding the Chinese market and the business knowledge I have learned in Germany to help Chinese companies develop in Germany or help German companies better understand the needs of the Chinese market.”